Monday 6 April 2020

Gym Marketing Activity during the Corona Crisis

Marketing Activity During the Corona Virus Crisis

The biggest question our clients are asking during this testing time is, "should I still be marketing my business, and if so, How?"

My instant response is of course "YES".  Don't stop selling.  Even if you have taken the decision to furlough staff and to mothball the business for the next few months.  You need to keep your business and brand in front of your clients and your potential new customers. 

You don't want to be in a position where you are starting from scratch once the Prime Minister announces are re-opening.  When that happens, the big players such as Virgin, Pure gym, David Lloyds, Banatyne will switch their marketing spends on and as a franchise or independent club operator you simply won’t get a look in as they will simply outspend you on Google Ads, Facebook and Instagram.  So now is the time to build your brand, let people know who are, get more followers on your social media, more clients in your database and make sure you are ready to fire out of the blocks with a solid plan.

I appreciate many clubs are running online classes, virtual PT sessions and even nutrition advice support.  These are all brilliant and great ways of maintaining contact with your members and clients. Don't stop doing this as its important to maintain what you have.  The ideas below are set out to help you move beyond those who are already avid supporters of your business.

So below are just some of the activities you should be considering over the next few months:

Google/Bing Places/Apple Maps

Whilst your website and its SEO are important to your visibility, more importantly is being registered with the various search engines.  Search Engines drive the internet and the maps section is one of the biggest search criteria.  You may not be able to compete with the big companies via ad spend, but you can on ensuring you are visible on the organic searches and on the map’s sections of Google, Bing and Apple.

These are easy to create:

You should see Google Business an additional Social Media channel and ensure you load offers, images and activity regularly.  Once or twice per week is sufficient. 

Online Business Directories

You want to ensure search engines not only sees your website but also sees your business on as many other outlets and websites as well. The more your business appears in searches the more trusted it becomes, and the more likely search engines will push you to the top.  Below are some of the national sites you should be on but also don't forget about local business directories that are specific to your area.  Almost all of these directories are free and there should be no need to pay for advanced features

Best on the web -
Uk Small Business Directory -
UK Business Directory -

The above are by no means a definitive list but they are a good starting point.  It will take some of your time to load your club’s details, but the benefits will be well worth it.  It will increase your exposure.

Aggregator sites:

There are definitely reasons for and against registering your business on these sites and this will be covered in a separate blog post.  However, what cannot be underestimated is the marketing impact they can play. 

By loading your business onto their sites, you get to feed off the back of their huge marketing budgets that these companies have.  If you set up your arrangements correctly you won’t feel the negative impact of lost members to a pay as you go system but will benefit from the potential exposure on their site.  

I have personally used all of these business at a variety of sites and never seen any negative impact on the business.  This is not to say, if not managed correctly they could but as with Group-on, wahanda etc, managed effectively they can bring great benefits

These companies include:

If you are unsure how you should be setting up relationships with these companies then feel free to get in touch with us at and we will be happy to advise.

Social Media:

Now your social media activity is a blog or even 2 in itself but I will try and give you a few ideas of things you could be doing now that will help you create a following as well as leads for when your business re-opens.

Remember we are focusing on building your brand here and not on member retention

 - Set up a private group page on Facebook for Members.  This allows you to offer those who continue to support you a private service just for them as well as an opportunity to engage with fellow members, many of those who know each other but not well enough to be friends
       i. Discounted virtual PT sessions
       ii. Members only competitions
       iii. Nutrition seminars via zoom
       iv. Encourage members to post their home activity or food images
       v. Post recipe idea's
       vi. Group challenges - set a challenge and get members to post their results and videos
The aim is to create a strong community online.

Other Ideas:
 - Create a regular fitness blog and post 1 article a week. The subject can be anything fitness related
 - Run a competition each week for people to win free months, free PT sessions, free t-shirts (or other stock).  Make them fun, get people to send in their at home training pictures. 
 - A workout of the week for people to follow
 - As with pre-sale activity, run a campaign for people to register their details for fantastic membership offers when you open. Limited number of places available
 - Push posts about your unique Selling Points (USP's) why are you different, why do members love you so much
 - If you are continuing to run online classes and PT then don't be afraid to advertise this as something non-members can pay for.  Encourage new members to join your club now.  Maybe have an incentive to do so.  Obviously don't undercut those members who have agreed to continue to pay, instead give them an incentive they can take up once you re-open.
 - If you are confident enough run Facebook or Instagram Live events to answer people fitness questions.
 - You should join as many local Facebook groups in your area as possible.  This can include local selling groups, mother and baby groups, fitness groups etc etc.  Many local communities have their own communication groups. Ones I have dealt with before and worth a look are Ruddington Mums and Epsom and Ewell families.  Both these groups have huge influence in their communities and well worth you making a connection with and building a relationship.


Don't forget to continue to sell to members.  Its great if members are continuing to pay for your online services and continuing to support your business.  You should though:

 - Be sending regular communications to members - possibly as a newsletter
 - Send referral offers to encourage them to get friends and family to join your online classes
 - Offer free trials of online personal training with a discount for those who sign up. Discounting now will mean less revenue but get the client engaged now and they will continue as a full paying client when you re-open.
 - If you have the skill base, offer members nutrition planning and support

Your Lead Database:

Don't allow your leads to go cold.  You have worked so hard to generate these leads over the last 6 -12 months. Don't now leave them to become cold and worthless as you really will be starting from scratch.  There are some easy and low impact items you can do now to keep contact with those potential new members

- Weekly E-mails - Simply send your prospects some fitness updates or articles each week.  These don't need to be long just quick snippets of advice and could include:
      i. A weekly workout
      ii. Link to a fitness article
      iii. How to train through the crisis advise
      iv. Stretching advice
      v. Nutrition advice
      vi. Exercise from home for beginners
      vii. Exercise with your kids
Let’s be honest the key here is to send something that people will read and thank you for sending. It needs to be regular and it needs to be friendly and informative

- Send them an offer to join your club now if you are running online classes.  Many people are stuck at home and yearning to be part of a community.  Give them an incentive and don't be afraid to continue to sell.  The aim though is that these offers should form part of a communication set and not as individual emails.  Start by sending advice, information, help and support articles first to build trust.
- Don't be afraid if you have time to call your prospects and thank them for their enquiry and ask them how they are getting on with their training from home.  They will appreciate the call and your concern.  This is not a sales call but simply a keep in touch call.

Corporate Activity:

Now you might think I am going mad here but here me out.  This really is a great opportunity to start making connections with potential corporate partners.  Remember who your audience is here.  Even those who are furloughed will still be reading e-mails, linked in and other business channels.  The nature of their work and position will mean they will not have switched off.  The big difference now though is your message won’t be a hindrance to their work but in fact a highlight and something they can get stuck into.

There are a number of ways you can start to build your corporate database:

 - LinkedIn - There are a number of ways you can find the right people:
       i. Google search businesses in your area and use this as a search reference for you to use on Linked in.  Once you have found appropriate people look for HR directors or managers in those companies.  They can either support directly or push you to the right person
       ii. Complete a LinkedIn search for your area
       iii. complete a job title search in your area
Remember when sending connection requests, always include a brief comment to explain who you are and what you are looking to achieve.
 - - This website allows you to search for individual actual direct e-mail address if you know the company name.  Be aware that the site cannot tell you whether those people are based in your area and so for large multinational companies this can increase the work required.  It can though give you a good starting point.

 Local Business Relationships:

The above can also be used to connect to local businesses who you would like to create a future relationship with for when you open.  A good connection point is you are trying to create a member’s discount scheme and would like local companies to join you in creating this.  There are benefits for both parties and no money needs to change hands.  You should look to create links first with high traffic businesses who can help you as well in return, independent businesses are also best as there are no corporate chain to worry about
     i. Restaurants
     ii. Cafe's
     iii. Running/sports shops (independent ones are best) - Up and Running are always up for linking
     iv. Barbers, hairdressers and beauty salons

Don’t forget, not only can these companies help by putting out your flyers and maybe putting up a banner in their shops, but they are great at word of mouth but usually have high street or prominent locations for future outreach activity

Review your Website:

Spend a few hours going through your website page by page. Look at how you can improve it.  You should look to revamp it even if just a few minor changes.  Your members, clients and prospects will be spending large amounts of time on the internet.  You need them to want to stop on your site again.  If nothing has changed then there is no reason for them to revisit
The design may be hard to change but you can change some images, update some of text and add some new features
Only you will know how you want the design to look but this is your chance to make it better and more engaging

Your future Plan:

While working on all of the above you should be looking at creating your pre-opening plan.  Everyone will be treating their opening as a pre-sale.  We know we probably have another 6-8 weeks minimum in lock down.  You need to take this time to create a plan. 

We will talk about this plan in a future blog but to get you started you need to start thinking about:

- Pre-sale/Pre-opening offer - launching 4 weeks out
- Members "Thank You" 
- Your Ex-member offer and campaigns to bring them back - a Rescue plan
- Your Personal training offers
- Your Group PT offer
- Your Outreach activity plan - the big boys will be everywhere!
- Your social media plan
- Your staff training strategy
- Your Business plan/Budget numbers for the rest of the year
- Your brand design material, internal and external.
- Start to interview for new staff or new freelance PT's

I will attempt to expand on all the sections mentioned above to give you more ideas and support at this time.  If you would like more a more personal approach to how I can help, please don't hesitate to get in touch.  We offer remote support for businesses from Just £349/month and with no onsite visits at the moment we have the time to take on some new clients and support your efforts. Get in touch today

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